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Green City R-1 Schools


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Winter's Arrived

This September, the Preventive Services Program came to provide a FREE dental screening to our entire elementary student population. Most of the students screened also had a protective fluoride varnish applied to their teeth, and will receive another varnishing this coming March. We had 81 percent of our elementary students participate this year, which is up a bit from last year’s participation of 78 percent. There were 33 students with problems needing further dental care, which is higher than last year. This FREE program helps your children promote good oral hygiene and detect early problems. I sincerely hope more of our students can take advantage of this FREE service next fall.


This October, the Sullivan County Health Department had a FREE influenza vaccine clinic here at the school available to our 5th-12th grade students, as well as for our employees.  Forty smart people were vaccinated to help protect them against the flu this season. This coming spring, Lisa McClaran RN from the SCHD will return with our annual tetanus/meningitis vaccination clinic provided to our 7th grade and senior classes to help prepare them for eighth grade and college!


After Thanksgiving break, the Missouri Lions Saving-Sight program will FREE vision screenings to our prekindergarten through third grade classes, along with some of the Parents as Teachers kids.  This very fast, FREE screening detects SEVEN vision problems that can make it harder for our kids to see and to learn. Children as young as six months can be screened.


As we go to our break for Thanksgiving, please remember that the weather outside has become very chilly, especially in the mornings. More kids are coming to the nurse with headaches, stomachaches, coughing, sneezing, and general “I don’t feel good” complaints. To help everyone stay healthy, please remember:


** Eat a healthy breakfast                           **drink plenty of water                                **get plenty of rest

       **Wear coats, hats, and gloves when playing outside in the cold or wind – dress warmly!!!



We Work Hard! We Play Hard! We Are GC!                              Beth Beyer, RN